Creative Children Photoshoot - ABCsons featuring Coco, Leia & Cora

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Photographing three young kids at the same time is challenging. Garnering the attention of one baby takes a lot of caressing. But two, three, and in this case, four—an entirely different strategy must take place. 

Collectively, it's difficult to capture everyone's attention and prevent distractions. Having attentive parents is an incredible asset, and their parents were precisely that. There is nothing more comforting than the familiarity of your parent's voices and smiling faces. At a glance, it's the most valuable on set asset. 

The session was a collective effort between our team and their patient parents. With kids of our own, we know when to push and when to pull back.

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Honoring each sibling was essential. Inclusivity was the perfect way to remind each of their daughters how loved they are. In years to come, they can revisit this stage in their life, where they were all full of wonder. 

As storytellers, it's important to capture moments as they unfold organically. Watching the four sisters interact provided us a latitude of opportunities to capture. Each girl showcased a unique personality when photographed individually. When alone, you could begin to see differences.  While together, you couldn't help but notice a deep sisterly bond. 

Their session was a great reminder of why we love photographing children and telling the story of families. Watching a child shine on their own is a great reward—much like watching families shine together. It's the purpose we strive for as parents.

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ABCsons Garage Session