DIY Pinata Cake


Like many other facets of life in 2020, birthday parties this year are looking quite different. Without the usual large gatherings of family and friends, you might feel like you’ll have to work extra hard to make your child’s celebration feel magical. It’s safe to say that most kids are fans of candy, cake, surprises, or all three! With their element of surprise, pinatas are a crowdpleaser, but without a crowd, they may not be the most thrilling choice. Enter, the pinata cake!

This cake looks so impressive, you wouldn’t dare smash it with a stick! From the outside, it looks like a typical multi-layer cake, but when you cut into it, a hidden trove of candy will come spilling out! You could certainly bake a multi-layer cake from scratch, but if you feel pressed for time, this recipe details a hack using a few store-bought single layer cakes. This is also a great way to use up all that leftover Halloween, Easter, or Valentine’s Day candy. Get your camera ready to capture their delight when the surprise candy emerges!



  • 3 store-bought single layer frosted cakes in flavor(s) of your choosing

  • Colorful candy for filling (e.g. M&Ms, Skittles, Nerds, sprinkles, etc.)

  • Fruity Pebbles


  1. Starting with one cake, scrape off any extra decorations on top, leaving a thin layer of frosting on a smooth flat surface.

  2. Using a cup to act as a cookie cutter, press it into the middle of the cake. When you remove the cup, the cake should look like a donut. Discard (or eat, no judgment!) the part of the cake that was removed inside the cup.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the second single layer cake.

  4. Stack the second cake on top of the first.

  5. Using a butter or frosting knife, scrape off the frosting all around the side of both cakes. Make sure you save the frosting.

  6. Using the saved frosting, re-frost the side of both cakes so that it looks like one uniform cake. It doesn’t have to look perfect, as you will decorate it later.

  7. Place the third single layer cake on top of the two stacked cakes. Remove extra decorations from the top, again leaving a thin layer of frosting. Repeat the scrape and re-frost routine from steps 5 and 6 with this third layer. When you are done re-frosting, it should look like one big cake.

  8. Sprinkle and lightly press Fruity Pebbles (or other decorations as desired) all around the cake, filling in gaps as much as possible.

  9. Enjoy!


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