Indoor Photography Scavenger Hunt: searching for all things GREEN

These days, we’re spending most of our time indoors. Finding ways to engage our children can be a trying task. As a parent, it can be challenging to come up with creative activities—especially this often.  

We’ve created a series of Photography Scavenger Hunt games, each featuring a unique theme. The scavenger hunt was designed with everyone in mind and played by kids of all ages. 

Your kids will see your home in a brand new way as ordinary objects turn into treasures to hunt, find, and capture. 

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What you will need: 

·       (Recommended) a printed version of scavenger list and pen/marker

·       Phone, tablet, or another camera

·       Supervisor, depending on age 

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How to play:

  1. Enable picture-taking capabilities on your family tablet or another device. If your phone is the only option, see below for tips on turning on “Kid Mode” on your device. If you have more than one child, and one device, we suggest they take turns. The first player will search, while the other checks off their findings. 

    1. Tip: We suggest enabling “Kid Mode” if using your device. We know it doesn’t take long before inquisitive minds end up elsewhere, tangled inside another app, and unable to navigate back to the camera.  

    2. If you are on an iPhone, navigate to your settings. From there, click on Accessibility > Guided Access. Once there, flip the switch to enable Guided Access mode. You can now control the one app your phone can access.

    3. Android devices can easily apply “Kid Mode” through an app created by Zoodles. First, download the app here. To activate, navigate to “enable kid mode” within the app. When completed, switch the mode disable, and your phone will go back to its intended use. 

    2. Print out the Photography Scavenger Hunt list below. 

    3. READY, SET, SEARCH for all these GREEN things:

A.    Alligator, Apple, or Avocado

B.    Book, Bag, or Bucket

C.    Caterpillar, Cactus, or Craft

D.    Dress, Dinosaur, or Drink

E.    Eye, Emerald, or Earth

F.     Frog, Fern, or Flower

G.      Grass, Glasses, or Grapes

H.    Hose, Herb, or Hat

I.      Insect, Ivy, or Ice Cream

J.     Jello, Jelly Bean, or Jacket

K.    Kite, Kiwi, or Kermit

L.     Leaf, Lettuce, or Lime

M.       Marker, Money, or Mint

N.       Nut, Nature, or Net

O.       Olive, Onion, or Oval

P.     Paint, Pea, or Plant

Q.       Quilt, Queen’s Crown, or Quart

R.    Rainbow, Rocks, or relish

S.     Shamrock, Slime, or Sneakers

T.     Tennis ball, Tree, or Toothbrush

U.    Umbrella, Unicorn, or UFO

V.    Vegetable, Vase, or Vine 

W.       Watermelon, Wall, or Wheel

X.    Xylophone, X-ray, X-box logo

Y.     Yarn, Yo-yo, or Yogurt

Z.     Zucchini, Zipper, or Zoo Animal

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  1. How to Play (Beginner / Younger Kids): Find one item for each letter of the alphabet.

    1. Take a picture of each item you find

    2. Once found, cross off the item from your list

  2. How to Play (Advanced / Older Kids): Find all three items for each letter of the alphabet. 

    1. Take a picture of each item you find

    2. Once found, cross off the item from your list

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How to Repurpose Your Alphabet Coloring Pages


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