Our Top 5 Books About Gratitude

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more…It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend…Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie 

Gratitude is one of those more abstract concepts that may be harder for children to grasp. Like so many other abstract concepts, it is probably best conveyed to children through books and storytelling. Especially in a year like this one, when so many expectations have been turned upside down, it can be comforting to look around and reframe our thinking—a roof over our heads, food on the table, quality time with loved ones, and books to help us learn and grow. Here are a few of our favorite books to help our children learn about practice gratitude every day:

Those Shoes

We can all relate to wanting something that seemingly everyone else has, and our children are bound to experience these feelings at some point in their lives as well. This thoughtful story shows how Jeremy yearns for the hot new pair of shoes that all the kids at school has, but in the end, learns that some things are worth more. The multicultural characters also allow for further discussions around diversity and inclusion.


Bear Says Thanks

Reading any book starring Bear and his woodland friends, feels like a warm hug. This gratitude themed entry to the series is no exception. Bear wants to throw a feast, but is sad to learn that he is missing the ingredients. His friends all pitch in and he learns that relationships and his intangible contributions are just as important as the physical things. The illustrations are beautiful and the rhyming text is fun to read aloud.


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The Berenstain Bears Count Their Blessings

This classic book will bring you back to your childhood visits to Bear Country with the Berenstain Bears! During a scary thunderstorm, Brother and Sister learn to appreciate the things they have rather than complaining about the things they don’t. The story provides an easy springboard to have conversations about all the blessings your family already has.


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I’m Thankful Each Day

This book reminds us to be mindful of the many things we might overlook in our daily lives, and to see them as the blessings that they are. While there are religious undertones, it is fairly general and has a simple message of gratitude that everyone can relate to.



It’s nice to have kids think about what they are thankful for in their immediate lives, but this book takes gratitude and empathy a step further by exploring what other people in our communities are thankful for. It provides a great opportunity to talk about different roles, points of view, and appreciation for the little things. The text rhymes and the whimsical line drawings are adorable.


Chicken Pot Hand Pies


ABCsons Photoshoot Featuring Elliott