Spring Outdoors & Get Active!

Now that the weather is getting warmer, it's time to get outside! Hit the hiking trails with your littles to get some exercise, enjoy the outdoors and most importantly, spend some quality time together. Below is a list of activities you can do with your kids to keep them engaged during the hike.

1. Have a Race

See who can find ten different types of leaves first, make it to the top of a hill in the shortest amount of time, or skip a rock across the lake the furthest. The whole family can do these activities and it's a great way to bond and have fun together.

2. Nature Scavenger Hunt: Go exploring and look at different types of rocks, plants, or bugs. Whichever you choose, have them find the items and then help them identify when they find each item. This is a great way to get everyone involved in the fun!

3. Have a Photo Shoot

Set up a little photo shoot with the kids. Let their imagination run wild as they pose in front of trees, mountains or at the bottom of a waterfall. You can even set up a photo contest. Make sure to take photos of all their creations so you can all laugh at them later!

4. Find The Landmark

Let your kid help lead the way! Bring a compass so that they can use their navigational skills to explore new places. You can even make it a game by having them lead you to a particular landmark or destination.

5. Create a Memento

Bring a bag or basket along with you so that you can collect things along the way. When you get back from your hike, you can all sit down together and make something with what you found (a picture frame or a plant pot are great options).

Make sure to stop for snacks and give your kids plenty of water breaks, when needed. Happy hiking!


Teaching Kids to Go Green


On Witches, Representation, and Resurrections: How I Became a Children’s Book Author By Tina Kim