ABCsons Photoshoot Featuring Lucy

We scheduled Lucy's first photo session when she was eight months old. At this point in Lucy's life, we found her to be more curious and active than ever before. She had just entered into the early childhood development stage where her motor skills were developing—and she knew it.

Crawling, scooting, and holding her head-up was a considerable accomplishment in both her and our world. While her ability to sit independently was a benefit to the shoot, her desire to explore kept us all on our toes. Without question, this 8-month old brought her curious spirit to the photoshoot.

Like any baby her age, they have big moves to make, and they are determined to explore them. Once an object captured her interest, she was going for it—crawling full-force towards anything sparkling or moving. Our voices became a distant sound drowned by the exciting new object life was presenting.

Sustaining Lucy's attention during the shoot was challenging. Like most parents, we never leave the house unequipped. We filled her bag with all her favorite snacks, which helped convince her to smile a few times. Similarly, this only worked so long.

As Lucy's sessions continued, so did her growth. A once ground-bound baby was starting to take her first steps, which then developed into walking. It was official. We had a toddler on our hands.

Lucy's sessions concluded during an ideal period in her development, where we were able to capture so many valuable life stages.

By the time we received her personalized ABC book, she just started learning the alphabet. It quickly became a nightly ritual and her go-to reading choice.


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