Kid-friendly Activities for May

Are you looking for some fun springtime activities to do with your kids? We've rounded up a few ideas to get your child's creative juices flowing!

Egg Carton Animals

Don't toss your empty paper egg cartons! Instead, recycle them so your kids can turn them into an animal or a bug like a ladybug, caterpillar, turtle, or even a chick! The sky's the limit when it comes to your child's imagination.

First, cut the egg carton into segments. Each section will be used as the body of the animal or the bug.

Grab some paint, markers, pipe cleaners, oogly eyes, and some glue. Paint the egg carton and once it's dried, draw in the details with a marker and glue on the oogly eyes. The pipe cleaners can be trimmed down and to be used for the arms and the legs.

Color Changing Flowers

We love a good science experiment and this activity is a great way to teach your kids how flowers absorb water.

For this experiment, you'll need a few white flowers, cups, food coloring and water.

  1. Fill each cup with water until it is halfway full

  2. Trim the stems of the flower so they're able to stand in the cup without toppling over

  3. Add 3 drops of food coloring to each cup (each cup should have a different color) and stir the water

  4. Place a single flower in each cup

  5. Check on the flowers every couple of hours and then the following day to observe any changes

The longer the flowers sit in the water, the more color they will absorb and dye the petals.

Symmetrical Butterfly Painting

Symmetry painting is a classic and kids love it too! It's a great way for children to express their creativity while trying out different techniques.

All you need is a piece of paper, scissors, paint and some paint brushes.

  1. Fold the paper in half and cut out half a butterfly. When you open the paper, the cut out should look like a complete butterfly.

  2. Instruct your child to only paint one side of the butterfly. Tip: allow them to use a generous amount of paint to ensure the paint transfers to the other half during the final step

  3. Once he/she is finished, fold the butterfly in half and press or rub the paper to ensure the paint transfers to the blank side of the paper

  4. Open the paper to reveal your kids' masterpiece!

Try a few or all of the fun activities above and tag us @magicpaperstudios on Instagram to show us your kids' creations! 


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