Spring Gardening with Cat & Lucy

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I personally love when spring comes around each year because planting, tending, and nurturing a garden after a chilly So Cal winter is always so exciting to see. Since having my daughter I have made it a tradition to work with her in the garden and plant yummy veggies and fruits she's currently into. We work together to purchase plants, prep the garden, tend it, and watch them grow before our eyes!


Gardening has become a spring activity that me and my daughter, Lucy, look forward to. Lucy loves seeing all the bees come into the garden to retrieve pollen for their own hive. She especially enjoys seeing how big a plant can grow after starting it from a little seed (sometimes even bigger than her!). I would have to say that our favorite part of this whole process is harvesting or veggies each morning and sorting the items that will go to our friends and family. We also make sure to enjoy the fruits of our labor and figure out ways to incorporate them in our dishes. My mother has passed down the love of gardening to me, and me to my daughter. It’s a stress relieving activity that brings us both joy from the time spent together.

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P.S. - you do not need to have a large backyard to start your own garden. There are a multitude of ways to create a garden of your own! Whether that would be a window sill garden, raised bed garden on your front porch, indoor garden with a plant light, or an even vertical garden. And if you just don't feel like gardening but want to harvest some of your fruits and vegetables, there are options from U-PICK farms!


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