Intentions Sheet


It's a new year! With that comes along a new start to reset and refresh from the hustle and bustle of the year prior. With 2020 now behind us I personally have learned that with everything that may have happened in the year, my biggest take away is to slow down and enjoy life. Sounds easier than done, right? That doesn't just mean to take that bubble bath, go to a weekly session of yoga, or sleep more. It means to create boundaries, embracing the present, and creating intentional memories with your loved ones. Sometimes it's hard to plan activities and moments together when life just seems like it's moving faster than you can imagine.


We have created a FREE downloadable Monthly Family Intentions worksheet for you and the family. The purpose is to give your family a chance to set aside some time every month to discuss upcoming events, things they would like to do, and goals for the month. Working together to fill in the sheet becomes a memorable time together to plan for the month ahead, and truly gives the family something to be excited for.

We hope you will be able to instill this worksheet into your family to create lasting memories for a year revolved around intentional moments together.

Happy New Year from all of us at Magic Paper Studios!


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