Keeping Healthy Habits


After having my second (and possibly last) baby, I wanted to be able to carry him as long as I could. I wanted to be able to keep up physically with my two boys, which meant keeping my body strong.

The thought of working out while caring for two small children though seemed daunting, so I started with small activities that included my children.

Here are three things you can incorporate into your daily life, that can be done with your kids.

1. Squats and lunges are a great way to work your largest (aka fat burning) muscles. These can be done anywhere, especially while holding your baby for extra weight.

2. Planks. These are a great way to strengthen your entire core. My son used to love climbing on me like a climbing structure, which added a fun challenge. There are also many variations of planks when you’re ready to level up, such as alternating shoulder taps, or this fun stacking challenge!

3. Push ups are one of the most effective body weight workout that can be done anywhere. You can do these while playing with your kids on the ground. Here’s how you can build up to stronger push ups:

As warm up or cool down, take your baby on a stroller walk. This was my favorite way to get my baby to nap while giving myself both a mental break, and physical activity. Don’t forget to have fun! Kudos to role modeling to your children healthy habits.

Don’t over complicate it. Keep it simple, sustainable, and enjoyable!


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Yummy and Hearty Chawanmushi