Self Care Tips with Kim Le


Hi, my name is Kim Le and I'm an entrepreneur and owner of Morning Lavender. I'm also a mom to a fun, young toddler. On a daily basis, I find myself juggling my time between running our company and raising my son. I carry the weight of being responsible for so many people so it's important to find time for self-care for myself. Here are some tips to implementing self-care into your daily routine:

1. Make time for just yourself that doesn't involve work. This sounds simple but when you are running your own business it's hard to "turn off" work. My time-off from work is after 9pm every night after my son goes to bed. I use this as "me" time and not work time - no emails, no phone calls. This is just my time to do whatever I want to unwind and relax for the night - this usually involves watching Korean dramas and indulging in some online shopping :).

2. Learn to say "no". It's easy to want to do everything for everyone but unfortunately you really can't. Learning to prioritize your time and finding what you do best will prevent you from taking on too much. It's ok to ask for help and you will find that you have more support than you realize.


3. Listen to your body. It's also easy to keep on going. You spend an extra working or cleaning up the house but after you finish, you find yourself physically drained. It's important to pay attention to your body and make sure you are getting enough sleep and eating healthy foods to have enough energy to care for everyone around you.

4. Finally do what makes you happy. We spend so much of our day trying to make others happy that it's easy to forget what brings you joy. Find those simple pleasures and indulge once in a while. You work hard for yourself and your family so why not enjoy it?

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